Many of Oklahoma City Indian Clinic’s (OKCIC) staff helps the community by lending a hand and donating money, time and resources to the American Indian community.
OKCIC’s Warm and Fuzzy program is an award-winning employee supported program that raises funds through voluntary payroll deductions, fundraising, individual employee donations and generous organizations throughout the year. This program was founded to give back to our patients and help families in need. In 2021, Warm and Fuzzy supplied 275 children and/or families with meals, coats and toys during the winter and holiday season.
Due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic, the items for all events Warm and Fuzzy hosted were safely packaged by OKCIC staff members and delivered to patients’ cars upon arrival at the clinic.
In October, OKCIC held its Keep Kids Warm & Fuzzy Coat distribution where 95 children received coats for the winter season.
ThankFULL Baskets was held in November and helped over 50 families receive a Thanksgiving home-cooked meal. Each basket included a variety of food items to create a well-rounded Thanksgiving feast.
Oklahoma City Indian Clinic hosted its annual Toy Wonderland benefiting families in need in December 2021, and helped 130 children. OKCIC ensured all toys given met safety standards.
For more information on next year’s Warm and Fuzzy events, please call (405) 948-4900.