By: Meagan Mahtushquah, RN
In the early spring of 2020, the world took a pivotal turn. Government officials across the nation and world implemented physical distancing measures to help reduce the spreading of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
Though our community has been faced with unprecedented changes, Oklahoma City Indian Clinic (OKCIC), including the Health Promotion Disease Prevention (HPDP) team, has embodied the true spirit of Native resiliency and continued to provide excellent health care to American Indians.
During times of physical distancing, OKCIC’s HPDP team strives to continue to promote healthy lifestyles and activities through virtual platforms for adults, adolescents and children. Engaging programs included pediatric programs, wellness activities, and other health or nutrition related counseling.
Youth programs and groups continued to meet at designated times via virtual meetings. The Youth Advisory Board participated in projects, such as a “physical activity challenge” where they filmed and created a video promoting fun and unique ways to be physically active. The MISS Program created virtual physical activity sessions that included Zumba, which was led by an HPDP certified personal trainer.
Additionally, nutritional education was provided virtually. These interactive programs included Kids in the Kitchen, a Food Pantry Tour and one-on-one counseling. Participants of Kids in the Kitchen learned how to prepare healthy recipes and create nutritious snacks and meals. The Food Pantry Tour allowed OKCIC’s pediatric dietician opportunities to educate families on healthy meals and food options that are currently on hand.
To facilitate cultural and traditional practices of wellness, HPDP hosted a virtual youth Beading Circle for adolescents ages 11-18. These instructional weekly classes were designed to teach participants techniques and skills on creating Native jewelry, and provide an educational component. With these teachings, HPDP engaged youth with healthy coping mechanisms and positive outlets, while also instilling a sense of hope in the community. These scheduled sessions were able to give adolescent patients a sense of normalcy and routine.
With the closing of OKCIC Wellness Center due to COVID-19, OKCIC Certified Personal Trainers still provide services to patients via virtual visits. These wellness virtual visits allow patients to discuss a variety of topics related to health, wellness and exercise to help with stress management and problem solving.
The HPDP team continues to create and implement new programs to reach and engage adults and youth where they are by overcoming the limitations that physical distancing normally causes. HPDP strives to meet their mission of creating healthy Native American communities through nutrition, health and wellness activities.
To learn more about these programs, please call (405) 948-4900 ext. 698 or visit